Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Roof...The Roof...The Roof is on FIRE!!!!!!


So, in all of my flawed beauty, I've decided to call out a few others. Yes, Mass-Mutha-Fuckin-Destruction. Quite a few people have pet peeves. Smoking. Lying. People that smack while they eat.....the list goes on and on. My ultimate would have to be "HoodRats". Not your average, run of the mill "HoodRats" either. I mean "HoodRats" who are in denial about being what they are to the rest of the free world. I know of this one chick, {I refuse to classify this chick as a friend, because I only surround myself with the VERY best} who is decent lookin in the face, but if it weren't for her enourmous ass, she would be just 'Aiight'. She has 3 baby daddy's, 4 children, lives with a friends parents, and has no job. BUT-she manages to keep her fuckin hair laid!! I mean Cool C, straight from the city LAID! I know you're wondering "so-the-fuck-what", but her weave is always at the least 3 different colors! Come on man!! Your babies are always dirty, you have no crib, and you can manage to purchase 3 packs of weave? Forreal?
Now, I saw a photo of her on a 'social site' that shall remain nameless, and there she was 3 colors in her head, middle fingers in the air with the caption 'CLASSY' underneath the photo!!! CLASSY!!!??? WHAT?? Um-no! I feel my blood boiling and I just need to leave that shit alone.
Moving on to the actual purpose of this blog...."Fire". "Fire" is this broad, that I met through one of my closest friends. My friend has a huge heart, and basically felt sorry for this chick, so she became cool with her. "Fire" is the epitomy of a "HoodRat" my eyes, even if my eyes were closed. LOL She believes with all of her heart and soul, that she is THEE SHIT! So let me put it out here like this: If you live out of your trunk, steal bras{yes BRAS}, burn your man{Hence the name FIRE}, believe you are pregnant by another nigga, and fuck a plethera of niggas on the REGULAR who are not cashing out on mos def qualifiy for "HoodRat" status! Not to mention this chick talks loud even when she whispers...Oh my god! I need my 'pressure pills' cause a bitch is dyin right now!! If you're a "HoodRat", know that and embrace that shit. Just stay the fuck away from me!
I know some of you all are wondering if I think I better than other people. I reply with a resounding YES!!! I do my dirt, yes indeed I do, but I know my role. I keep my mouth shut when need be...people can read a classy chick by just looking at her eyes. I don't need to get loud to get noticed. I have a college degree. I speak in complete sentences. Yeah, you see me.
I would like to end this entry with this-If people stay away from you it's for a reason. Look within and correct it. Bottom line-I truly with there was an EXTERMINATOR for "HoodRats"....they make my fuckin skin crawl, and my stomach turn. If you're JUST might be one!

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